ASA Tapijten

Eelinkstraat 2 - 7101 JL Winterswijk
0543 - 517 275
ASA Tapijten
ASA Tapijten

ASA Tapijten is a Dutch company based in Winterswijk. The company supplies the international market as a producer of high quality carpets and rugs. All rugs and carpets are high quality, sustainable and made of natural materials. Our products are used worldwide and in a variety of environments such as: hotels, offices and cruise ships. ASA Tapijten distinguishes itself with its knowledgeable personnel who are able to discuss the entire process with the client, from concept to final product. ASA Tapijten has its own modern and specialised production facility with tufting machines. At our production facility, the development of high quality carpets and rugs is an ongoing process. Creativity, innovation and variety are characteristic of both the company and its products, making ASA Tapijten the perfect partner.